Apr 18, 2017
It usually begins like this "Cale, when are you going to do a show on....?" This time, it was Wayne (K4SPA) and he was again, asking me about doing a show on Winlink.
I've too been wanting to learn more about Winlink since first trying my hand in it back in the Fall. While I've had limited (NVIS) success, I'm far from a 'user' or even half-way proficient in the mode. So I did what I do best; I found someone to help me further understand it, and I bring you along to learn with me!
Brett Smith (KE0EWY) is a Friend, Listener and Long-time Supporter of HR360. He's also quite fond of Winlink and someone I consider an Elmer for me in that field. I invited Brett to visit with us here to help you and I both learn more about Winlink, Winmor and RMS Express.
This isn't a deep-dive into all things Winlink, but more of an Introduction to give us an idea of what it is, and what is necessary to get started with this really cool mode of communicating with our radios and computers.